olduğu gibi

  1. Zarf completely
  2. Zarf totally
  3. Zarf literally
  4. as is
  5. hook, line and sinker
  6. Zarf warts and all
as is the case with ...
as is the case in ...
as with … Zarf
just like with ... Zarf
just as in ... Zarf
just as in the case of ... Zarf
as in recent years Zarf
as in previous years Zarf
as always Zarf
as you may well know
freight as in charter party
just as in the case of ... Zarf
just as in ... Zarf
persuasive communication
to adopt as it stands Fiil
to vote the straight ticket Fiil
to swallow the hook , line and sinker Fiil
to tell it like it is Fiil
to give a just picture Fiil
to buy something as a job lot Fiil
to take someone in the rough Fiil
to cast aspersions on someone Fiil
to take something as it comes Fiil
to take something as it comes Fiil
to take the world as one finds it Fiil
to take the who as one finds it Fiil
to face the facts Fiil
accept people for who they are Fiil
to leave things as they are Fiil
the tenant shall take the dwelling as is
true and attested copy